How to view the amphoteric nature of Alumina

Silica – Substance and ProcessDennis Klocek This article was presented as a lecture at the annual Biodynamic Conference at Sacramento in 1989.

Glenological ‘Rosetta Stone’

There is a formula standing behind Dr Steiner’s Agricultural and Medical indications, that clarifies, orders and ultimately allows one to use his suggestions very practically. So ‘one with the universal order’ is the formula and his suggestions, that they align exactly with chemistry. This allows chemical substances to become the conscious levers to control the energies of life Dr Steiner outlines. In short this is a ‘rosetta stone’ for bringing Dr Steiner’s suggestions into practical life, that can be accessed by almost anyone.

Homeopathic Clay and Lime, ?


Sucher 1956 lectures to the Experimental Circle – a critique

Steve Diver from the USA has asked me to comment on Willi Suchers lectures to the Biodynamic Experiment Circle in 1956, as to their value for agricultural indications.These are the lectures

The Organisation of Matter

This is my favourite picture right now……The Organisation of Matter…….

Links to RS medical lectures

Here are the links that form the basis of my findings in Alchemcial Chemistry

The Astro view of John Key selfishly selling the homeland

The Astro view of John Key selfishly selling the homelandBy Glen AtkinsonI was wandering around the other day and came across John Keys birth chart.Amid some wonderful indications of a very capable and charming fellow, I came across the indication of JK selfish exploitation of his motherland.Naturally these following comments would be better placed as part of a fuller reading to provide a larger overall context, but this is just a short snort, to highlight a point of great significance for the coming weeks.

The Ethers express due to them being influenced by the Astrality

The Ethers express due to them being influenced by the AstralityBelow is an extract of the second lecture of the second medical course given on April 12 1921It is available in full at this lecture Dr Steiner talks of the way the ethers work into the human body, and then goes on to describe how the energetic bodies work together. He then discusses Sulphur, Phosphorus and Arsenic as influences of these processes.

The Energetic Bodies by RS Aug 1924

 Extract from a lecture given by Dr Steiner in London on August 28 1924 from “THE HEALING PROCESS”On the Qualities of the energetic bodies – The soul’s first new perception is that the human being includes not only a physical body, which can be examined either with the naked eye or with a microscope or other instruments, but also an ether body.

Apop Medical articles

Here is a link to a series of articles that outlines Steiners view of the structure of Life. The main chapters are the first two, but the other look very interesting.An Introduction to Anthroposophical Medicine.                7       Rudolf SteinerThe Members of Being in Man and Nature:


Energetic Rabbit Control Feedback using RabbitChaseHow did the rabbits go?”(almost) gone. We see an occasional one, but the infestation “disappeared” in about a week. Thanks!”…The treatment began about 4 months ago.

Dr Steiner’s 1920 medical lectures – free on audio

Here is a link to audio readings of Dr Steiners 20 medical lectures given in 1920. provide a ‘starter kit’ for working with the 3 fold activities of the physical body’s of nature.enjoyGlen 

Dr Steiner on using electro magnetism in healing

Within some Biodynamic theology there is a trend to have a very negative view of electro magnetism (EM). This arises from the view that ‘the Ethers’ are the dominant formative influence , while EM is the subservient dross left over from its activity. This arises in part from quotes by Steiner saying EM are ‘fallen ethers’. Given the christian connotations of the word fallen, this thinking goes on to consider EM a ‘sub physical evil’, and something that should be shunned. Hence broadcasting devices like the Lovel field broadcaster and radionic devices are frowned upon.

Hugh Lovel on Glen Atkinsons discoveries

Below is a blog Hugh Lovel wrote after my attendance at his Advanced Quantum Agriculture Course in August 2013. In it he outlines some of the practical applications arising from my work. His article is an expression of some of what I hope to bring to the May Conference.

RS relationship to ancient knowledge

“I will take this opportunity of repeating what has already been stated : namely that the contents of these lectures have not been derived from any study of ancient lore. What is here stated, is gained from the facts themselves : occasionally I have alluded to the coincidence with the primary wisdom ; but my statements are never gained from it. If you study the processes in question with care, you will be led to those conceptions which remind us of some elements of ancient wisdom. I should never myself consider it admissible to investigate any subject by studying the works of Paracelsus.