Answers to critics

Over the years  some criticisms of ‘my approach’ have gotten back to me. Glen’s approach is too ‘heady’, and we are practical farmers(1) No I am not a farmer, I have not been blessed with inheriting a farm, however I have continually been a gardener since 1976. I have had experience on larger properties, but mostly home gardens, with the last 10 years managing a 1 hectare mixed horticultural property.

Biodynamic Agriculture speaks with a Forked Tongue

Have you ever wondered why BD people do not make sense once their explanations move beyond the basic BD actions? Why they flit off into religious and faith based stories filled with elemental beings, angels and other unproven dimensions?It is because ‘they’, as a movement do not have a co ordinated understanding, due to one central concept not being widely understood.

Medical or Modern Biodynamics – the scorecard

In my article ‘The Problem of the Etheric Formative Forces v4’, I identified ‘the problem’ as the difference between identifying the primary formative cause of lifeforms as ‘The Stars’ – in line with astronomy, several leading Biodynamic scholars of the past, and the Apop medical view of the world. While ‘Modern BD’ says the primary cause of lifeforms comes from the The Etheric Formative Forces which find their source in ‘The Cosmic Ether’. It then follows that the ethers are the main formative activities in life forms.

The Problem of the Etheric formative Forces v6

A central problem for Biodynamic Agriculture is they have two different worldviews, being told by different groups around the world. Worst of all ‘they’ do not know they are confused, and that they are confusing everyone who tries to understand them. This IS a problem.

The Spirit in Biodynamics

Here is a link to an article on the role of the Spirit in Biodynamic Agriculture

Chartres Labyrinth

Here is a link to my article on the internal organisation of the Chartres Labyrinth  

BD Ag – Earth Astrology (AFA Research journal 2015)

Biodynamic Agriculture – Earth AstrologyThis is an article recently published in the American Federation Of Astrologers 2015 Research Journal, of how Biodynamic Agriculture is an expression of fundamental Astrological principles.

Sandflies control by ‘The Octagon’

A wee story about the power of the OctoganWe were out to dinner last night -outside- and the sandflies were biting 4 of us.

Hugh Lovel’s comments on the Glenological Periodic Table

Recently Hugh cc ed me in on a conversation he was having with a USA  BD official, where he talked on his experience with my Chemistry. Biodynamic Chemistry   and Alchemical Chemistry  

Are the chemical elements dead?

Today I had a interesting conversation on a e list, some of which answers some basic questions about bring chemistry to life.

Biodynamics for a Rational World

Here is the link to the article (slightly edited) of this title that was published in the November issue of Harvests, the NZBDA magazine.Biodynamics for a Rational World

Understanding Dr Steiner’s ‘Agriculture Course’ – the seminar Feb. 2015

Greetings all,The second in the Biodynamic Lecture Series will be held on 

Reply to Mark Moodie’s GMO article

There was an experiment on GMO corn that would appear to have been successful. I wrote about it for the Canadian BD magazine Stir. It’s not such a short answer but if you have some time:

How ‘peppering’ works by Kim Atkins

Here is Chapter 2 of Kim’s masters thesis, where he outlines ‘the thoughts’ behind how peppering works. In my opinion, this is a very good overview of the understanding, and its best attempt anywhere, to date. Mind you I am heavily quoted, so others may have a divergent opinion……..Chapter 2 – ‘Peppering for Pest Control’ 

Kim Atkins, Masters thesis on peppering of insects

Kim Masters masters thesis on peppering   (1.6Mb – 122pgs)