Radio Interview – October 2015

Here is the link to the Greenplanet FM radio interview  – on a range of current topics and practical solutions



Why the word Biodynamic should not be owned

There is an effort in New Zealand to legislate the use of the word Organic. Alongside this there has been opinions voiced in ‘the media’ about the need for the word Biodynamic to be similarly ‘owned’. While this private ownership has been achieved in some countries around the world,  in New Zealand this is not possible.


How do I find equivalent tropical plants to replace the BD prep plants?

I would start by reading Wilhelm Pelikens descriptions of the prep plants in ‘Healing Plants’.  Then have a read of what RS says about the function of the plants in the Agriculture Course, so you can get an image of what you are wanting. Then any other author I could find.
Then I would read up some herbal journals about the healing effects of your local plants, and try and match them up. 
Part of RS approach is how plants effect the energetic activities, and this is what you need to match.

Hugh Lovels’ – ‘Spot on’

This has been quite a week. (21 August 2015) Whew, and the most wonderful event this week has been my discovery of what Hugh Lovel wrote about his investigations into my Chemistry (Glenological Chemistry). In his recent book ‘Quantum Agriculture – Biodynamics and Beyond’, in the chapter entitled ‘Beyond Biodynamics – Agriculture as it might be taught’, which specifically focuses on my approach, findings and artwork.

Answer to replies on my ‘BD in a rational world’ article

In the vol 67-2 issue of Harvests magazine, there are two replies to my article ‘BD in the Rational World’. 

One is by David Wright and the other is from Andrew Seeger. 

Given I have recently resigned my membership of the BDANZ, I will not be replying to these articles in that forum, so this one will have to do.

Hugh Lovel on ‘Glenological Chemistry’

In Hughs recent book ‘Quantum Agriculture – Biodynamics and Beyond’ in the chapter entitled ‘Beyond Biodynamics – Agriculture as it might be taught’ which specifically focuses on my approach and findings, he says regarding my efforts with chemistry “Time after time my knowedge of biochemical reactions has confirmed that Glen’s conclusions are spot on.”

Thanks Hugh……….


‘Understanding the Agriculture Course’

what is it and how can we use it

Glen Atkinson is moving away from the Bay of Plenty and will 
take his decades of research into Biodynamics with him. 
He has offered to share his perspective on
‘the Agriculture Course’ with us before he leaves. 
This is the series of lectures which Rudolf Steiner gave to
 a group of farmers in 1924, and forms the basis of biodynamics.