Is the Moon Male

Is the Moon Male? Here is the discussion I had with Hugh Lovel on this topic. My reply to Hugh Courtney , who suggests the same can be read here …

Equisetum, Kidneys and Fungus

RS said of Equisetum ” If, without indulging in undue speculation, we realise the noteworthy effects produced by equisetum arvense upon the human organism by affecting the function of the kidneys.”

AS an answer to this suggestion Dr Matthias Girke provides this answer on page873 of  his ‘Internal Medicine’

The Problem of the Etheric formative Forces v6

A central problem for Biodynamic Agriculture is they have two different worldviews, being told by different groups around the world. Worst of all ‘they’ do not know they are confused, and that they are confusing everyone who tries to understand them. This IS a problem.