The Answer

Four bodies, sourced from astr …

Energetic Plant Growth

Energetic Plant Growth.  (pdf) …

Astrology of the Ag Course

The Astrology of the Agricultu …

Organisation of Life commentary

Organisation of Life commentar …

Dornach Feb 23 online conference

Presentation 1 The Astrology o …

Hugh Lovel’s ‘Beyond Biodynamics’ errata

This is a replacement for the …

The Planets in the Ag Course

  The Planets in Dr Stein …

Glenological Chemistry pictures

Glenological Chemistry in Pict …

Spiritual Beings…….

Here is a series of lectures e …

Empathetic Perception

Joke Bloksma says in her  ‘Met …

Three stages of the Planets

Seasons 2 picture

Here is  the picture used in m …

How the bodies move

Pastoral Medicine       Lectur …


  Dr R Steiner’s understa …

When the World Astral is too strong

When the World Astral is too s …