Equisetum and Fungus – the video
Here is the video of my Equisetum and Fungus essay The hardcopy essay
Here is the video of my Equisetum and Fungus essay The hardcopy essay
BdMax FG4 on Peaches ( FG4 is a biodynamic product aimed at limiting the environment that allows for fungal problems to arise ) We have a small home orchard with …
February 2024 A Chat with Glen Atkinson and Mark Moodie 2 24. Biodynamics 100 years past and future A chat with Bernhard Scholl on the 8 questions of …
The slides of the presentations Session 1 The Planets in the Agriculture Course Session 2. Glenological Chemistry Session 3. Biodynamic Homeopathy
With Astrology we are peering into the structure of the Sub Conscious The physical follows the astral, just as matter follows electro magnetism. The ‘we are peering’ is the Spirit …
The Physical Formative Forces 78 page collage of RS texts Small Version 4 pages
The Planets and the Physical Formative Forces This is how the planetary statements made in lectures 2 and 6 of GA 327 make sense to me.