The Etheric Formative Force Problem

A central problem for Biodynam …

Astrology of the GRS

In the spirit of ‘Astrology is …

Biodynamics Decoded

Biodynamics Decoded   …

Jacinda Ardern’s Astrology 2020

Jacinda Ardern’s Astrology …

When is ‘Seed Chaos’?

Here is the article on ‘Seed C …


ANZAC day – the day we remembe …

The Human Journey…

The Human journey is for the S …

Is NZ La La Land?

‘Is NZ La La Land’ – An Astrol …

The Agriculture Course can be Understood

The Agriculture Course can be …

The Virus Spot on the ‘Circle of Everything’

Sabian Symbols

Here is a on-line link to the …

Doctor Glen

On the 11 February 2020, I was …

Hugh Courtney – ‘Does not know what forces BD works with’

In “Biodynamic Preparations As …

BD Preps and the Odoron Remedies


The Physical Formative Forces

Here is a collage of some lect …