I’ve been doing biodynamics for so long from the viewpoint that it is the pattern that results in the coherence rather than the substance that I reckon at this point I’ve seen a fair bit of evidence that the substance usually gets in the way. So, what I’ve recently done is design a new radionic instrument that can work off of both the abstract pattern (designed purely by intention, i.e. by dowsing) on a radionic card and the pattern directly picked up from a substance on the plate portion of the circuit. I’m testing the prototype, made by friends in Japan. It has four banks, so four sets of patterns can be used in combination. If more are required, it can be connected in sequence with another instrument of the same kind. I’ve made up a card of ORMUS gold chloride and I’ve been testing it using the most sensitive instrument available to me-myself.
But here’s the rub. The way I understand it you could have any element in the periodic table exhibit monoatomic (i.e. coherent or entrained or entangled) behaviour. Don’t we want to cover all our bases? Admittedly GoldI’ve been doing biodynamics for so long from the viewpoint that it is the pattern that results in the coherence rather than the substance that I reckon at this point I’ve seen a fair bit of evidence that the substance usually gets in the way. So, what I’ve recently done is design a new radionic instrument that can work off of both the abstract pattern (designed purely by intention, i.e. by dowsing) on a radionic card and the pattern directly picked up from a substance on the plate portion of the circuit. I’m testing the prototype, made by friends in Japan. It has four banks, so four sets of patterns can be used in combination. If more are required, it can be connected in sequence with another instrument of the same kind. I’ve made up a card of ORMUS gold chloride and I’ve been testing it using the most sensitive instrument available to me-myself.
But here’s the rub. The way I understand it you could have any element in the periodic table exhibit monoatomic (i.e. coherent or entrained or entangled) behaviour. Don’t we want to cover all our bases? Admittedly Gold or the Platinum metals group (PMG) are good, because according to Glen’s theory they exhibit 6th dimensional behaviour. Let’s take a look at what 6th dimensional behaviour could or must be. Glen likes visual pictures, so let me describe one for him, though I know this will make for a rather long post.
Starting with hydrogen and helium in the periodic table we get only ONE DIMENSION, which we could think of as a point/vortex or a spinning needle or string. Since according to Goethe’s principle that force can only exist between opposite polarities, this string presumably could have infinite extension, although looked at end on it is a single point. But as we know,the polarity of the hydrogen atom is its two opposite charges. That’s all it has is an electron and a proton, positive and negative. This is like having a single number line on, let’s say the x axis. For the sake of simplicity let’s assume this line or axis is perfectly straight in Euclidean terms, though we know through the application of projective geometry to the observable universe that nature prefers curved lines.
In mathematician’s terms if we add a dimension at right angles (i.e.orthorotated) to this first dimension we get a TWO DIMENSIONal plane such as a Cartesian co-ordinate system with x and y axes). Again let’s assume this plane is perfectly flat, although we know nature doesn’t seem to actually do things that way. Now we are talking about the first octave of the periodic table of lithium through neon where the first layer of electrons of hydrogen or helium have been enveloped by a second layer of electrons. Let us imagine we were looking at a hydrogen string end on and we then drew a circle around it and introduced a second dimension. We could go around this circle in either a right hand or a left hand direction, so now we have the magnetic force that can either be one spin or the other. Any point on that circle would be at right angles (i.e. orthorotated) to the point at the centre. It would look like Euclid’s representation of a circle whose circumference is defined by the formula c = 2 pi R, and it could be filled with any number of electrons up to eight, giving 8 (the representation of infinity) flavours of a circle.
Now let us imagine we add another dimension at right angles to this plane so that we have THREE DIMENSIONS. We can’t really represent this on a chalk board or a piece of paper, but we can draw a second circle around the first one (again this is orthorotated to both the point and the first circle even in two dimensions) and draw in a z axis off at an angle between the x and y axes, although it extends all the way to the second circle so that we’ve drawn it outside the x and y plane. Now we have stepped up to the physical ‘plane’ where we have a second set or ‘shell’ of electrons orthorotated to the first two. That gives us sodium through argon-our physical elements that we see in great preponderance around us, although we don’t yet have any life forms whose organization has a developmental continuity. We just have inanimate matter subject to the three forces of Goethe, electricity, magnetism and nuclear force–and I don’t want to stop at this point and argue where modern physics got derailed with Newton taking inward and outward acceleration and twisting this around into one force, the force of gravity. A wonderfully clever guy, Newton. Let’s just keep in mind that for anything to happen in any dimension there must be polarity for that force to occur between. With this third dimension we can either travel inward (centripetal) or outward (centrifugal) from the plane. So now we’ve got electricity, magnetism and nuclear force, i.e. three dimensions.
To get FOUR DIMENSIONS we need to draw another circle (we must imagine it as orthorotated, or enveloping and thoroughly permeating the physical with another dimension providing another polarity of force) around the point and the first two circles and add another line between our other co-ordinates that extends even beyond the first three dimensions so that we can see it as orthorotated to all the previous ones. Now the physical first three dimensions can go either forward or backwards (our polarities) in time, and we have the basis of living organisms that have a past and a future, even though physically there is only the moment. This gives us another layer of electrons enveloping the first three of the physical so now we have potassium through krypton with all the transition metals and their catalytic effects adding to the flavours and possibilities of life which are embodied in plants-though animals have them too with an extra force involved. This dimension in biodynamic parlance is referred to as the etheric.
To get FIVE DIMENSIONS we repeat the above process and draw another circle
outside the previous point and three circles to represent all the elements
from rubidium through xenon with elements with such elements as molybdenum,
silver and iodine that have especial significance for consciousness, which
is embodied in animals. What are the polarities of this dimension? That’s
easy; on the one hand sensation, and on the other desire. Consciousness
gives rise to both. This dimension in biodynamic parlance is referred to as
the astral, and it thoroughly permeates all the others.
Let’s take it to SIX DIMENSIONS where we were talking about ORMUS gold and
PMG metals, etc. We repeat the above process of drawing another circle
around the others on our flat piece of paper and inserting still another
axis orthorotated to all the rest. Now we get our elements with still
another layer of electrons enshrouding all the rest-Caesium through Radon.
We find these elements have especial significance for human beings, and
their self-awareness or self-consciousness-a trait not attributable to
animals, plants or rocks, etc. What are the polarities of self-awareness
where shame and pride, etc. come into the picture? I haven’t quite decided
what the best terms might be but I rather like the terms of needing and
caring as everyone experiences a sense of needing things and people and
caring about things and people. There is no judgment necessary here. We all
need and care and can move along this axis while permeating all the previous
dimensions. This dimension in biodynamic parlance is referred to as the
I believe we can experience coherence of all of our atoms working in
complete alignment, harmony and concert at every level of the periodic
table, and thus we can have orbitally rearranged monoatomic hydrogen all the
way to mercury, lead and bismuth-all or which we don’t want much of in our
bodies because these elements tend to be very overwhelming to anyone with
too much in their body. But the ORMUS gold (the Emperor’s metal where in an
ideal sense the emperor has it all and cares about everything and everyone.)
idea does have a lot of appeal, which is why I’ve made the ORMUS gold card
first. I’d like to see what experimentation with this pattern in agriculture
can do for the people who eat the produce from our farms. What an idea.
Well, I must get to bed. I have to get up in two hours to go to market-no
time to proof-read this.
Best wishes all,
Hugh Lovel