
  Dr R Steiner’s understanding of Fructification           2nd November, 1923 Undines carry the action of the chemical ether into the plants, sylphs the action of the …

Bernie and Glen – The BD Context

Bernie and Glen Bernard Lievegoed’s Introductory passage to his 1951 lectures, and Glen’s Biodynamics Decoded as an expression of this. This provides the overall context upon which Biodynamic understandings are …

Possum Control in Australia

Just in from Australia a problem with possums resolved with Circle Remedy…. A remedy was made by placing a bottle of water on A31 spot of a circular table.  (see …

World and Internal Interactions

The World and Internal Activities Interaction  Lecture: S-4317: 17th December, 1920 | Dornach | Dr Rudolf Steiner Course for Young Doctors Young Doctors Course: Bridge Lecture 1: Soul and Spiritual in the Human …

The Circle Game

The  Circle Game – Elements  picture The Circle Game – Energetic Activities  picture Glenological Chemistry provides more background information for this image.