Peter was born into a family activity practising Biodynamic agriculture. So he has work practically with Biodynamic agriculture over his 60 years. During this time he has run dairy farms, grown hothouse tomatoes, commercial herbs at Weleda and run a commercial composting operation.He has also completed natural therapy training for human health.
Peter has been aware of the Garuda Biodynamic developments from the very beginning in 1980. Since the early 1990s he has been experimenting and using the potentised preps in his own trials. In 1999 he began working more closely with the Garuda Biodynamics endevours and now acts as a consultant in their application.
Subject: Re: quality
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 16:01:46 +1200
From: Peter Michael Bacchus <>
Hi, This is a great subject! I’ve been working with this for the last couple of seasons. Last N.Z. fall we had apples that were sweeter, tastier and jucier than any I can remember since childhood. The grapes, that my sister is very fond of, were so sweetthat bees came and sat on them in clusters that had to be shaken of before we cold pick some for our selves. I don’ ever remember seeing bees swarming on grapes before, its usually wasps, but this year they didn’t get a look in. Since then I have bought a refractormeter to give me at least one instrument reading which might be indicative of other quality parameters, or perhaps not. I’m looking forward to other peoples comments. I’ve just tested some grapefruit (poorman’s orange) count between 11 &12 tangelo count 10, Mayer lemon count 8. I’ve been using the homeopathic preps that Glen Atkinson makes. No disputing wheter they have an effect or not! I believe that zinc deficiency has much to do with not bieng able to tast and smell well. “Junk” food would likely be deficient in zinc as well as other important nutients and micronutrients. Greetings. Peter.
ETHERICS 1000 versus BD500
An overview by Peter Bacchus
After 6 years of experience with Etherics 1000 I would like to offer the following comments in regard to the comparative effectiveness of Etherics 1000 and traditionally stirred BD preparation 500 or ‘cow horn preparation’.
A common question is: “How long are these preparations effective in the soil?” My experience is that there is not much difference between 500 and Etherics 1000. In this case I have found that the quantity of organic matter or humus in the soil makes dramatic difference in the lasting effectiveness and depth of working of both preparations. In vegetable gardens, lawns, pastures and orchards Etherics 1000 has performed equally well with BD 500. When using Etherics 1000, soil and sward development has continued at similar rates to my experiences with BD 500, given similiar levels of organic matter and humus.
The next question has to do with the function of the preparations in the soil. This is where Etherics 1000 beats BD 500 hands down. The specific function of the ‘cow horn preparation’ is to help convert organic matter into humus. While this is a vitally important function on any property, it is only one of eight different functions that Rudolf Steiner talks about in the course of his lectures on agriculture. Etherics 1000 combines all of these functions in one spray. Think about it this way: it’s like having an eight piece jig saw puzzle with seven of the pieces missing; easy to asssemble, but you don’t end up with a very good picture! You can add six of the other seven preparations in the compost but such a compost must be spread over the whole property at least once a year for them to be effective, and there would still be one piece missing. As far as I am aware there are no commercial compost makers using the above preparations in the manner approved by the BDA or its licensing arm, Demeter. So you must be able to make enough of your own compost to treat your property. You could, of course, make a liquid manure, or what is known as a ‘cow pat pit’. This method is like a miniature cow manure compost with egg shells and basalt added. With all these systems one has to be certain that the six preparations are working at the point of application so that they harmonise with the ‘cow horn preparation’. I have found that often by the time the compost or cow pat pit is applied the direct activity of the preparations has diminished. The preparations have done their job in harmonising the decomposition process in the heap and have liitle left for the land. I have found that compost heaps hold the preps activity better than the cow pat pit. This seems to be because the cow pat pit is made in the earth and the activity of the preparations seems to ‘leak’ out into the surrounding area. Hence its active life is limited. In both the cow pat pit and the compost heap techniques discussed here, the cow horn silica preparation still needs to be sprayed separately. Regarding the effectiveness of the 501 Silica prep, my experience in Germany and in NZ has shown the silica preparation is more effective in its homeopathic form than when stirred.
A key issue is: “How much time do you wish to invest into these processes?” Each of you will have a different answer. Especially in the pressured commercial environment Garuda Etherics 1000 has to be considered seriously for its effectiveness, ease of use and long keeping quality.
One of the other significant benefits which has emerged out of the Garuda work is in instances where groups of preparations can be used to address specific problems that may arise, such as powdery mildew. In many cases of disease and pest control I have experienced remarkable results with Garuda Essences. In conclusion I see the Garuda developments as a sure leap forward into the Biodynamics of the future
Peter Bacchus has worked with Biodynamic Agriculture all his life. He was born into a BD dairy farming family- over 50 years ago -and has himself, dairy farmed, been a commercial compost maker, commercial herb grower and contractor all using Biodynamics. His long term experience in BD places him in a rare position of being able to evaluate the effectiveness of these agricultural preparations