Medical or Modern Biodynamics – the scorecard

In my article ‘The Problem of the Etheric Formative Forces v4’, I identified ‘the problem’ as the difference between identifying the primary formative cause of lifeforms as ‘The Stars’ – in line with astronomy, several leading Biodynamic scholars of the past, and the Apop medical view of the world. While ‘Modern BD’ says the primary cause of lifeforms comes from the The Etheric Formative Forces which find their source in ‘The Cosmic Ether’. It then follows that the ethers are the main formative activities in life forms.

The Problem of the Etheric formative Forces v6

A central problem for Biodynamic Agriculture is they have two different worldviews, being told by different groups around the world. Worst of all ‘they’ do not know they are confused, and that they are confusing everyone who tries to understand them. This IS a problem.

Are the chemical elements dead?

Today I had a interesting conversation on a e list, some of which answers some basic questions about bring chemistry to life.