The understanding that 500s effects are created due to the forces active within the manure, the soil it is placed in and those contained and reflected by the horn, also goes some way towards answering the presenters of the enzyme theory of 500.

Enzymes, Bacteria and Fungi are present in a material due to the activity of the forces, not the other way round.

Following are extracts from a letter sent to the NZ magazine which published the Enzyme theory.

The premise put forward in your magazine " - that the activity and effects of 500 preparation (and Bio-Dynamics generally) is due to the bacteria it contains, and that this bacteria arises due to a probable biological activity between the manure and the horn is completely incorrect.

Bio-Dynamics means biological forces. Bio-Dynamic Agriculture acknowledges that behind physical manifestations stands the workings of physical and 'cosmic' forces. These 'forces' in their simplest appreciation can be likened to the working of radiations such as gamma and infra red coming from the stars. They are unseen yet they impact strongly on the functioning and formation of physical forms.

Bacteria and the like are present due to the working of life processes sustained by cosmic\organic rhythms, not the other way round. Bacteria are the 'smoking gun' of the life processes activity.

The last 70 years of Bio-Dynamic endeavour has developed a conscious understanding of these forces activity and working. The management of these forces becomes the extra tool the Bio--Dynamic practitioner has over their organic and chemical counterparts."

This " materialisation of the Bio-Dynamic method appears to be at cross purposes with Bio-Dynamics' founder, Rudolf Steiners' indications".

"The following a quote is from ' Agriculture' where Dr Steiner first outlined Preparation 500. ............Then come the little parasites - the minutest of living creatures - and found in a good nutritive soil. These parasitic creatures are therefore generally supposed to have something to do with the goodness of the manure. In reality they are only indicators of the fact that the manure itself is in such and such a condition. As indicators of this they may well be of great importance; but we are under an illusion if we suppose that the manure can be fundamentally improved by inoculation with bacteria and the like. It may be so to outer appearance, but it is not so in reality. (pg 73 1974 edition)

....... So it is when we use animal excretion -products as manure. We must regard the minute living entities as occurring by virtue of the processes that arise themselves, here or there in the dung-substance. (pg88)"

The pages either side of these quotes elaborate these points further.