B.D. uses the zodiac for determining planting and harvesting schedules as well as the time of preparation application. It is generally used very effectively. However, it does leave some questions unanswered, especially when deciding on pest and fungus spraying or peppering times.

Most of the work on planting by the moon has been carried out by five or six researchers with the most prominent and influential being Maria Thun. Over the fifty years that this research has been taking place the statistical findings of these researchers have stayed consistent with Astrological theory. It does vary from astrological folklore though, which is often a collection of individual impressions rather than scientific analysis.

There has been one short fall in this BD research though and this is its ability to define the influence of individual constellations with in an elemental subgroup. In Astrological writings each 'Sign' of the zodiac has very individualistic characteristics, and so too this must be with the constellations. The Astrological model gives some suggestions as to the quality of the individual constellations.

To gain a cross reference, one needs at least two parameters. BD uses only one reference for the zodiac , the elements. From the model it is apparent that the Zodiac constellations are made up of several components. We have looked at the elements and seen they relate to the plant types at an Etheric level and work with all that level 4 represents. Fire constellations influence the seed and fruit processes, Earth constellations relate to the root, etc.

The Zodiac is also made up of level 3 , the Modes, physical parameters and level 5, the planets providing Astral relationships.

Level 3 in particular divides the plant up into the physical systems of Nerve/Sense, Rhythmic, and Limb/Metabolic systems. This would suggest that any work done according to the constellations will not only effect the plant type, etherically, it will also effect the specific physical system of the plant, indicated by the mode - Cardinal, Mutable Fixed. When one constellation is favoured by accident or wilfully, it would tend to imbalance or enhance one physical system of the plant. It could be suggested that a particular crop could be worked or sprayed, in all the modes of a elemental grouping. This would evenly strengthen the physical organism as well as the Etheric sphere indicated by the element.This could best be done within one moon cycle, however it would no doubt be just as effective over an extended period of time.

Diagrammatically it appears as follows.

The Constellations

Fungal and insect attack

In fungal and insect attack it is possible to determine the constellation that is most likely to be effective, as one part of the puzzle.

Look to see what element governs the Plant and what mode governs the specific area of the plant that is being attacked.

A cross reference is established that indicates the specific constellation for preparing and administering your solution.

For example; In the case of White Butterfly.

It is a caterpillar that effects the leaves of brassica plants.

The brassica are predominantly Leaf vegetables and therefore associated with the Water constellations.

The part of the plant most affected by the grub is generally the leaf.

This is the rhythmic system of the plant and corresponds to the Mutable constellations.

Together Water / Mutable is Pisces.

Any remedy applied for this problem should therefore be applied when the Moon is in the constellation of Pisces.

Curly Leaf in peaches:
Peach trees are fruit and relate to the fire constellations.

Curly leaf effects the leaves, which is the rhythmic system or mutable constellations.

Mutable / Fire = Sagittarius.